We eat a lot of salads in our house, and I can guarantee its not because of the wonderful lettuce we buy. I think everyone could agree its the salad dressing that makes the salad and in our home its The Remedy Salad Dressing!
Now, if your one of those people that buy bottled dressing and drench your salad with it, then I’m going to go out on a limb and say it may be better to get your veggies in another way. That may seem a little extreme, but in checking out the labels of a couple of America’s favorite dressings, I found a paragraph of ingredients with things like artificial flavors, MSG, artificial colors, (in ranch???) and GMO’s! These horrible ingredients will leave the person eating the salad with possible side effects like headaches, nausea, drowsiness, gastrointestinal issues, along with many other side effects!
Just a single ingredient like “artificial flavors” the FDA does not require companies to disclose the ingredients as long as they are “generally required as safe” what is that suppose to mean?? I read that the artificial flavor for strawberry has 49 synthetic ingredients! I believe that packaged, processed foods are causing not only a lot of the everyday symptoms people are having but the diseases people are dealing with!
What makes this dressing healthy?
There is no question that the reason my family loves salad so much, is because of this dressing. All of my 4 kids eat salad because they love it! Not only is it delicious, but it could double as an immune system booster! It is so healthy, I look at it as a medicine, here’s why…..
- Olive oil- Improves heart health and brain function, relieves inflammation, and improves digestion.
- Apple cider vinegar (with the mother)- Helps prevent flu and stomach illness, helps lower blood pressure, promotes good gut bacteria.
- Lemon- Boosts the immune system, balances PH, helps fight infection, and helps aid in digestion
- Garlic- Natural antibiotic, helps ward off coughs and colds, anti-fungal, helps fight against cancer and fights allergies.
- Pink salt- It contains around 80 minerals, helps your body absorb nutrients, supports respiratory function, and promotes healthy sleep.
- Black pepper- natural antibiotic properties, helps treat respiratory disorders, helps improve digestion, and helps break up congestion in your chest.
I’ll leave you with this…..
“Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it” Heather Morgan
For another condiment we love, check out Quick Habanero Honey Mustard!
The "Remedy" Salad Dressing
- ½ cup olive oil
- ¼ cup + 1 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother
- 2 tablespoon lemon juice
- ½ teaspoon pink salt
- ½ teaspoon black pepper
- 4 cloves fresh garlic
- In a small bowl or jar mix first 3 ingredients.
- Mix in the saltBuy pink salt here and pepper.
- With a grater or garlic press add the garlic.
- Mix well, and toss a few tablespoons into your salad.
- This makes enough for 2-3 salads for us. Depending on the size of your salad this could vary for you.
- This should keep in the fridge for at least couple weeks.
- Always use the best quality ingredients that are available to you!
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Can you explain what the “mother” is in ACV?
When vinegar is raw unrefined, and unfiltered, there is a strain of beneficial acids and good bacteria that remains that pasteurized vinegar doesn’t have. I personally use Braggs Apple cider vinegar.